Hello whalewatchers

We spent part of the day at Isla San Benito under rainy conditions–which is very unusual. Everyone got ashore while skies were clear, and then 11 am there was a downpour for an hour! Everyone returned early to get out of the weather. Despite the conditions, there were good sightings on pinnipeds: Northern elephant seal pups, weaners, a few females and even a few males still hanging around. There were Guadalupe fur seals in their spot on the island, and a few California sea lions were at the anchorage. Birds to watch include osprey, peregine falcon, Cassin’s auklets, black-vented shearwaters, and a masked booby flew by after leaving the island and landed on the water. We got a close look at it! A red footed booby also did a fly-by.

We are headed to Laguna San Ignacio for tomorrow.

Capt Art and Team Searcher

Thanks to Peter Dunn for photos.