First gray whale census of 2017 from Laguna San Ignacio

UPDATE:  The Reserve biologists completed 2017’s first official census of two Baja lagoons on January 16. There are 308 gray whales in Ojo de Liebre and 39 whales in Laguna San Ignacio!

Many thanks to our friends and colleagues at Kuyima for sharing the gray whale news from their home and treasured work space, Laguna San Ignacio.

Click here: Gray Whale Natural History

We look forward to meeting up with these and more gray whales, as our first tour departs on February 7. It’s the start to our annual “family reunion!”

2020-07-15T16:34:39-07:00January 20th, 2017|News, Videos|

Blue, fin, humpback whales feeding group caught on video!

Capt Aaron and crew came upon a fantastic whalewatching experience while on our annual 5-day Labor Day Pelagic Birding Tour (September 5-9, 2016). There was a group of 40-60 whales–blue, fin, and humpback whales–in the same area feeding on krill and squid. This video was taken while some of the whales came very close to the boat. Enjoy!

2016-09-10T10:06:51-07:00September 10th, 2016|Trip Reports, Videos|

2016 Memories: Dolphins Dolphins Dolphins!

When asking our guests for highlights of the 2016 Searcher Natural History Tours whalewatching season, we discovered:

Everybody LOVES dolphins!

Please take a moment to indulge in another 2016 Searcher Memory…
and let the dolphins bring some Baja sunshine to your day!

2020-07-15T16:34:41-07:00May 30th, 2016|News, Trip Reports, Videos|

Tour #2 Isla San Jose

Hello whalewatchers: We had a wonderful sunrise at Punta Colorado to start the day, then a nice walk and a snorkel session. There are lots of flowers in the arroyo. Then we headed north in the San Jose channel in Sea of Cortez. We came across a large herd of long-beaked common dolphin and a big group of pilot whales. There were also lots of black storm petrels. The highlight was as we arrived at Isla Santa Catalina we had bottlenose dolphin in the bioluminecence riding the bow. It is very hard to describe, but it is very dark and a torpedo with a trail behind approaching the boat from 200 yards away. It truly is one of the best things we see on these trips. Click here:
Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:56-07:00February 14th, 2015|Trip Reports, Videos|

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