Hello whalewatchers,
It is truly wonderful to be back in Laguna San Ignacio! There are lots of whales both inside and outside the lagoon. The weather has been awesome almost the whole day. And plenty of sunshine as well. It is great to see old friends again–the people from Kuyima and of course, the whales. Everyone had a close encounter with a whale today. So there were lots of hugs and a few tears of joy were shared our before lunch. This place is magical.
One of the things we try to do each year is make something better. This year we did quite a bit of work in the galley with new carpet, upholstery and some hardwood trim to spice things up a little. Outside we added some more seating and storage, and a way to create shade on the deck. Check out the new set-up! Everyone has really enjoyed  it so far.Copy of SSgalleyback-deck seating:shade
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Gray whale photo by Rob Nawojchik.