April 9

Hello whalewatchers:

We left Ensenada this morning with some difficult conditions for viewing. It was quite foggy for most of the morning.  However we found a humpback mother and calf with an escort group right outside the bay. We also saw common dolphin throughout the day.

Late in the day we started seeing Black-footed and Layson albatross.  We also found a large area of bluefin tuna up on the surface so we got some good looks at them.  We will be at Isla San Benito first thing in the morning.

April 10

We arrived at Islas San Benito at around 7am and got everyone ashore.  The group did the hike around to the lighthouse and were on the island for the better part of the day.  There were lots of Guadalupe fur seals, California sea lions and Elephant seals (pictured) around and on the island today.  We got everyone back on the boat around 2 pm and took off south.

A few miles below the island we found a small area of humpbacks, which included a mother and calf pair and a few whales were breaching.  After a bit we continued south and found a mother and calf pair of fin whales.  We spent about 30-45 mins observing them.  They were close and stayed right on the surface.  We are now on course for Laguna San Ignacio.

Captain Mike and Team Searcher