Feb 25

Hello whalewatchers:

We woke up this morning just above Lazarro, the most western point on Isla Magdelena.  We started seeing single humbacks with the sunrise and a little bit of bird life.  It has been breezy and choppy all day so the conditions are not ideal.  However we did spot our first blue whale of the year just above the main entrance to Bahia Magdelena.  I and the guys in the mast got a good look at it through the binoculars and were able to identify it, however the folks on the main deck level were only able to see the tall spouts being knocked down by the breeze.  After a few breaths it vanished to the depths and we never saw it again.  We spent about a hour trying to re locate it and never did.

After that we got into an area of frisky humpbacks that were jumping around and put on quite the show. They were headed north into the wind and seas.  We spent about a hour with them before continuing on our journey south. We finished with a large pod of common dolphins this evening.

We’re headed for the Gordo Banks, east of Cabo San Lucas now.

Captain Mike and the boys