Mar 3

Hello whalewatchers:

We woke up at the northern end of Isla San Jose this morning and picked up the anchor just before sunrise.  We started south down the San Jose Channel.  We did see a couple humpbacks, but the wind and swell were still up meaning that we couldn’t really stop for a look.  Shortly after breakfast we put everybody ashore near the mangroves at the southern end of San Jose.
Just before breakfast we picked up the anchor and saw a approximately 1-year old humpback in the shallows at the northern end of Isla San Francisco which we got some excellent looks at.  We stayed with it for about a hour before proceeding to the southern anchorage on Isla San Francisco.  The folks went for a hike and a snorkel this afternoon.
Then it was margarita time and our favorite dinner–the back deck BBQ.  The weather has come down considerably. We’ll be snorkeling with the sea lions first thing in the morning tomorrow.
Captain Mike and the boys