2016 Tour 3 Islas San Benito

Hello whalewatchers: We had a great day on San Benito Island and saw lots of elephant seals.@ Steve Lamb Passengers got to see humpback whales and a blue whale while they were walking on the island, and a sperm whale had washed up on the beach. Everyone had an opportunity to see all the whale’s features up close at this sad encounter. We left the island and then had great looks at a blue whale at very close distance. Lots of great photography this afternoon! We’re headed south to San Ignacio Lagoon tonight and will be there in the mid-morning. Wish us luck!
Capt Aaron and Searcher crew

2020-07-15T16:34:46-07:00March 11th, 2016|Trip Reports|

2016 Tour 2 Isla San Benito

Hellw whalewatchers;

We had a  great day on Isla San Benito. Passengers had really good looks at ospreys starting their nesting season and Guadalupe fur seals were active today as well. There were still some large, male beachmaster elephant seals on the beach today. The plant life was dry but there were some good birds to be seen. Two types of hummingbirds (Annas and Costas) were spotted. The highlight for those that walked up to the lighthouse got to see a blue whale not too far off the island.

San Benitos Island light houseAnd those that didn’t make it that far saw one as we left the island and started to motor south to Laguna San Ignacio. It was a very long-winded blue whale, so we only got to see it once. But we were treated to Pacific white-ided dolphins which we won’t see further south. For seabirds, we had a very good amount of Cassin’s auklets, black-vented shearwaters, about a dozen Manx shearwaters, and two peregrine falcons who were chasing seabirds.
Capt Aaron and Searcher crew

2020-07-15T16:34:47-07:00February 25th, 2016|Trip Reports|

Will Baja be your Valentine?

Valentine’s Day is approaching!

Our hearts are full – and we want to share the Baja love!

We asked passengers to recall moments when they fell in love on a Searcher Natural History Tour – and we want to know more! Will Baja be your valentine?

Did you fall in love during a Searcher Natural History Tour?  Tell us about it!

Email your “fell in love” story to searcher@bajawhale.com – we will be publishing a future blog post with your responses!


2020-07-15T16:34:48-07:00February 11th, 2016|News, Photos|

Tour #1: Islas San Benito

Hello whalewatchers,
Today was a glorious day at Islas San Benito. There has been some rain here in the recent past because there were some green areas and  flowers in bloom–blue dicks , island mallow, cliff spurge and more. There were plenty of northern elephant seals including hauled out males and females with pups. There was a lack of Guadalupe fur seals in the usual spots, but the large swell might have something to do with it. Some of the group found a colony of about 65 animals on the north side of west island. There were plenty of ospreys on the nests as well. All in all, it was a wonderful day with hiking, photography and wildlife watching
We are currently headed southeast towards Laguna San Ignacio, hoping to arrive just after breakfast tomorrow. We hope to find some whales and dolphins this afternoon.
More tomorrow,
Capt Art

2012-02-09T16:30:49-08:00February 9th, 2012|Trip Reports|

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