GRAY WHALE CENSUS UPDATE, Pt. Vicente: 23 Dec.2014: TWENTY GRAYS!, including another calf! Our GRAY WHALE COW/CALF PAIR came into the kelp down below us, so we got great looks at them. The mom fluked a few times. Our whales came in pulses again: twice we were juggling three sightings, and once when we were tracking two sightings. We found one GRAY WHALE sighting when one whale BREACHED. A pod of four whales milled and rolled right down in front of us late in the day; the setting sun turned their white blows pink. It took a while to confirm that there were actually four GRAY WHALES in this group. We also spotted COMMON DOLPHIN, BOTTLENOSE DOLPHIN, and PACIFIC WHITE-SIDED DOLPHIN. -Alisa
Southbound grays — 20
Northbound grays—— 0
Total grays ———– 20
Cow/calves South —- 1 (4 newborns already!)
Total grays (since 1 Dec): 188* (record number of grays for this point in 31 seasons)