Census workers in Point Fermin, near Los Angeles, CA, reported their highest gray whale count for 2024 on 18 January. They tracked 16 southbound gray whales, including 6 newborn calves on 18 January.

Census director, Alisa Schulman-Janiger, took this photo of one of the mother and calf pairs as they migrated past the census station. She reported that the calf lifted its head above the water a few times, so that the “fetal folds” showed. These are the skin folds from being in utero that can remain on a newborn even after birth.

Researchers in Laguna San Ignacio (REBIVI) reported the following estimated numbers of gray whales during their 18 January 2024 count:

  • 1 mother/calf pair and 5 singles for a total of 7 whales